
Showing posts from 2020

Einstein's General Relativity and Field Equations

  In 1907, Albert Einstein had, what he regarded as the "happiest thought of his life". He imagined a man falling from the top of a house - that shocks you? πŸ˜‚. Yeah, that was all that is needed for him, to instigate this remarkable insight about "gravity". Isaac Newton did work on gravity too but he only calculated the strength but does not know exactly how gravity works or pulls its force. So, Einstein thought that a man falling from the top of the house will feel weightless i.e. the man won't feel his own weight. That, tells Einstein that gravity have to with motion. He thought about this for 8 years and finally, he was able to come about the remarkable theory of General relativity, in 1915, which explains how gravity really works. With the help of some of his mathematician friends, he was able to describe this with some elegant equations. Thus, the Einstein Fields Equation. Okay, let's get technical a little bit ... General Relativity tells us that

Why Science Works

Science is undoubtedly the greatest weapon the human race has ever had. If you have problem with admitting that fact,  I suppose you should wonder how we came about your smartphone or the laptop in front of you or how we come about the internet. Frankly, those are even just a very little out of many things science has thrown our way.  Science has been here for ages, as far back as the days of Aristotle. It studies everything that is, giving us answers to most of the instinctive - due to our inherent curiosity - questions that comes to our minds as we try to understand every thing or phenomena that exist. And it does that, by describing the nature or behavior of every thing or phenomena using natural laws and theories.  Richard Feynman made that statement in one of his lectures. However, I have personally seen people, being skeptic or far worse, being kind of cynic about science, despite its obvious great impact in the human society at large. Such individuals hold  notions like science

Homosexuality to LGBTQIA+ : An Ethical Philosophical Conundrum

 Here's a short treatise on the ethical conundrum around the weird and odd sexual orientation of homosexuality and LGBTQIA+. Title: Homosexuality To LGBTQIA+: An Ethical Philosophical Conundrum. Disclaimer: it's worth of note that this treatise is free from the influence of beliefs but rather based on empirical evidences and logical principles. You can download the PDF here

Feminism: The Philosophical Conundrum

After procrastinating for several days πŸ˜‚... I have finally been able to come up with a PDF on my little treatise on feminism today...😌 Don't mind me πŸ˜‚, procrastination is now my is said that it is a characteristic of geniuses πŸ˜‚, so I wanna be one too...πŸ˜’πŸ˜‚ Now, you can easily download here And you can also decide to read onlineπŸ‘‡:

Can Physics explain Magic?

Magic has been regarded as something illusional and weird which is very difficult to explain but on another thought, I think we might just have an explanation for it Lol....yeah I'm being crazy now, all thanks to the Witcher Magic, is simply organizing chaos. So what's Chaos has to do with Physics⁉ Chaos, just as it is...represents an unordered state. However, physics tells us that nature is characterized with chaos - so to say. If you look around, everything is in order through a chaotic process. For examples, if a [large] flock of birds are flying, they seem to follow a pattern as a whole but if you study individual movement, it's quite chaotic. That's it, everything is ordered but still chaotic.... it's crazy. In other words, Chaos brings about Reality. One more thing, the chaotic process - so to say gives a pattern called fractals - disordered pattern but then makes a lot of sense, as little disruption in the pattern c

Physics says you can eat your cake and still have it

Can you eat your cake and still have it? I know all of you, cakephilias 🀣, will love to have all those cakes you've eaten back. Well, if you're ready to do some Quantum Physics, you wish might just come into pass. Explaining this by my big brother, another young promising scientist, he said: "One of the strongest laws in Quantum Mechanics is Unitarity.  Which explicitly and strongly states that information cannot be destroyed. Therefore, in the event that you eat your cake, the information that defines that cake is preserved. BUT THE CAKE HAS BEEN EATEN AND GONE... Yes, this is a different situation. Local destruction or change doesn't mean that the information is gone. The information must still exist in the system. So you could in principle burn your certificate and get it back. But quantum mechanics will beg you to wait for longer than the lifetime of the universe" However, I explained the concept using the concept of Quantum Superposition in w


Let's Give This A Thougt..... Talking about the Transition Metals, the elements with d-orbitals that aren't fully filled which gives their interesting property, (PARA)-MAGNETISM. It is understood that the unpaired electrons at the d-orbitals are responsible for this property which is right but how? πŸ˜• Actually, it's basically due to the spinning action of these electron plus the influence of the Earth magnetic field creating a MAGNETIC MOMENT. However, paired electrons cannot exhibit this because the two electrons are spinning in opposite directions in such a way, they are canceling out the energy of each other to have zero....thereby, being DIAMAGNETIC But, this is not what actually caught my attention....I got interested when we moved further to MAGNETIC DILUTION where we have we have FERROMAGNETISM in which we have electrons at two sides without a diamagmetic ligand separating them....making them to give impression like they are more than the total number of thos

Did Aristotle Believe in God?

The argument on the existence of God in philosophy is no more a news to the ear and most people, with the fear of loosing their faith, ran away from philosophy which is either consciously or unconsciously the reason why modern philosophy is a total mess! I've been going through some philosophy text including the works of the ancient philosophers in a bid to solve this argumemt - literarily saying because I believe that, "as long as something is TRUE, it'll always be TRUE no matter the criteria you want to use, as long as it's logical and unbiased!"...So, if truly God exist, Philosophy, in the right sense, shouldn't have any problem with, what does Aristotle's philosophy has to say? In his philosophy of theology, he said we have "actuality" and "potentiality". The former means "perfection, realization, fullness of being i.e the determining" whilst the latter means "imperfection,incompleteness i.e the

Dullard boy proposes a new theory on Laws of Reflection and Refraction

Consider two different rooms... Room A with padded walls Room B with plain walls If you make the same sound in both rooms.... Room B will give a louder echo than Room A Why? Because Room B will reflect back the waves better than Room A since it walls are padded But....πŸ€” It doesn't end there πŸ™„ What is the connection between the sound waves and the wall? Why will the padded wall reflect the waves lesser than an ordinary wall, wave is just energy?πŸ˜’ A wave is a transient form of energy but....that energy, isn't just energy but a matter πŸ€“ Taking me back to E=mc² The higher the energy, the more the mass of the matter. The sound (energy) you made in those rooms is just like throwing a ball (matter) against the wall....the more the mass of the ball, the more it hits the wall, the more the sound produced (echo)🌚 If you throw a ball (matter) at an ordinary wall and padded wall...which will collide will the wall better❓πŸ˜’ Ordinary wall will collide better an