My Books

 The Big Opium (Coming soon!!!)

About the Book:

The weird question of whether human is as intelligent as he claims, is perhaps that which we can say is from outside the box. Human perception about his significance in relative to other beings and the universe as a whole is that which is also interestingly delusional. Consequentially, it is quite fascinating to understand that this is the causal effect behind the ubiquitous toxicity in every human society. The Big Opium is a short and concise philosophical treatise of social science that enlightens human on the doom of his delusional perception of reality. A one-day read that shall break the wings of human ego, take him away from the ocean of irrationality and save him from the slavery of his emotions.



  1. Philosophy of Argument

About The Book: 

Philosophy of Argument entails the journey of a philosopher, who is in search for the right understanding and wisdom behind arguments. It gives an explanation on all that is needed to be understood about "what an argument is", "how to argue and present an argument", "how an argument could occur", "why every human will argue" and so on. It also points out logically most of the misconceptions about arguments and clears them with a reasonable argument. The most sought answer to the question of "who" or "how" to win an argument is provided by this book.

Read or Get the Kindle format on Amazon now

2. God and Quantum Physics; The Philosophy

About the Book:

At the deepest thought of our lives, we must have had ourselves pondering over the big fundamental questions of reality with our curious minds, desperately hungry for answers. We want to know what brought about existence and its purpose. This led us to the three fundamental paradigm views of life from which we quench the thirst of our curiosity. Religion, Science and Philosophy have thrived over the years, providing explanations and answers to our mind boggling questions but it becomes more disturbing as these views conflict, throwing us back into the state of confusion. We realize that we are still stuck with some fundamental questions. However, this book attempts to resolve some of the conflicts and bring the three paradigmatic views to a point of contingence. Can religion, science and philosophy share the same space?

Kindle and Paperback also available on Amazon now


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