Did Aristotle Believe in God?

The argument on the existence of God in philosophy is no more a news to the ear and most people, with the fear of loosing their faith, ran away from philosophy which is either consciously or unconsciously the reason why modern philosophy is a total mess!

I've been going through some philosophy text including the works of the ancient philosophers in a bid to solve this argumemt - literarily saying because I believe that, "as long as
something is TRUE, it'll always be TRUE no matter the criteria you want to use, as long as it's logical and unbiased!"...So, if truly God exist, Philosophy, in the right sense, shouldn't have any problem with it....so, what does Aristotle's philosophy has to say?

In his philosophy of theology, he said we have "actuality" and "potentiality". The former means "perfection, realization, fullness of being i.e the determining" whilst the latter means "imperfection,incompleteness i.e the determinable principle". He went further saying, "all material beings have some potentiality" based on the four causes (metaphysics of matter), so that means we, human beings have potentiality and NOT actual. For example, no one can be totally independent and we need each other to survive.

However, Aristotle also coined the word, "UNMOVED MOVERS" (who) posses actuality, "Actus purus", because they are UNCHANGING, ETERNAL, IMMATERIAL SUBSTANCES.

Therefore Aristotle asserts that, "there can be no pure potentiality without any actuality whatsoever. All material substance have unactualised potentials. There has to be some unmoved movers that inspire the movers to go about eternal motion just like "as the soul is moved by beauty"

So, with this, we realise that the FACT that we are not perfect and totally independent of ourselves is enough as proof for the existence of God because we need an immaterial Unmoved mover with absolute actuality to actualize any potentialities....



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